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Winter-themed messy play (brrrrrr!)

As it gets colder and Christmas is getting nearer, children will be fascinated by everything linked to the changing of seasons. A fantastic way of creating awe and wonder is to add sensory materials into your messy play activities. Using snow, soap flakes, shaving foam etc. is great for recreating a winter wonderland.

Posted on Monday 28th November 2022

Magic Instant Snow is really fluffy and can be made with cold water for that realistic shivery experience. Use it in trays and bowls, create your very own arctic adventure with arctic creatures, real ice, glitter and foil.

Instant Snow

Mark-making is fantastic in the snow and provides a wonderful pre-writing activity. Bury treasure stones and ice cubes for a real chilly multi-sensory feel.

Why not freeze your Squidgy Sparkle numbers and letters for that extra sensory feel or make your shaving foam (crazy soap) even more magical by adding a sprinkle of glitter and snowflake sequins!

Crazy soap snow

Winter Tips:

  • Freeze water outside in a Tuff Tray to make an ice rink for fairies. Make ice mobiles with leaves, sequins and jewels. Half-fill bottles of water, marking the water line with a marker. Compare and contrast when the water has expanded. Fill rubber gloves with water and freeze to make ice hands.
  • Experiment with Magic Snow, adding ice-cold water, glitter and food colouring.
  • Build an ice cave (or Santa’s Grotto), adding snowflakes and icicles.
  • Freeze letters and numbers in ice cubes.
  • Provide different gloves e.g. rubber, wool, plastic, oven etc to see which are best for building with ice shapes.
  • Put coloured water into spray containers and make paintings in the snow.
  • Investigate footprint patterns in the snow – use foot stampers (print some tiny ones for elves or giant ones for monsters).
  • Try looking at a snowflake through a digital magnifier for a truly spectacular event; a real awe and wonder moment.

Get creative designing Christmas-themed sleighs and Reindeer for Santa or the Snow Queen for a Narnia-themed learning location.

Christmas themed Sleigh and Reindeer

Build a shelter using the Ice Bricks for a creature to hibernate and keep warm for the winter. Can you build an igloo? Use Ice bricks to build one of your own or use white foam bricks

We had a go at making our very own Santa’s Grotto using a giant dark den, surrounded in an icy wonderland. You don’t have to spend to create a magical corner. Silver and blue creative foil makes amazing backdrops, den coverings, and costumes. Create a den and hang lots of handmade stars, paper snowflakes and icicles for a great ice cave and wintry scenes. Click here to view our how to blog on making your own Grotto.

Make your own Santa's Grotto - for christmas fairs

Whether you stay indoors or out, we’d love to hear about your magic winter adventures.