Follow the how to Batik steps below or download a sheet of simple step by step instructions.
Stretch your silk or fabric – either with pins and a frame or using masking tape to stick the silk/fabric down onto newsprint or a similar shiny paper – this is the method shown here. Draw out your design onto the silk or fabric using a pencil. If pupils create a design in advance photocopy it and place it under the silk to trace from. In this case the image was left under the silk.
Outline your design in wax – wearing goggles dip the tjanting tool into the wax pot and transfer to your design and outline your image using the wax. (if you want the outline not to be white then paint or dye the silk before you start).
Tip: To stop the tjanting dripping use a piece of folded paper towel under the end until you need to make the lines.
Practice using the small brushes (nylon is best) on paper before you start or on your paper batik. The wax will act as a resist and hold back the paint that will spread on the silk/fabric. Start by creating thin washes of colour and build it up like watercolour.
Add the batik dye – you only need the primary colours as you can mix up any colour you require. In a palette add a very small amount of each colour.
Leave to dry and then iron between layers of newspaper or newsprint to remove the wax from the fabric or silk.
Have you seen our Pinterest batik board? It’s full of lovely ideas and inspiration for you to try.
Get everything you need for Batiking in your classroom or setting here.
Thanks to Michelle Kitto – Teacher & Primary Art Consultant for this ‘How to’ activity.
You can also download this ‘How to… Batik’ activity here >>
Try the following article: Batik painting on fabric – Key Stages 3-5 here.
Read our Brusho Experiments – Batik article here.