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A practitioner Talks Turtles!

At the recent Nursery World Show in Liverpool, we had some fantastic conversations about how our resources are used. We would like to share one practitioner's idea here - a lovely use of the Talking Number Turtles that children will really enjoy!

Posted on Tuesday 16th May 2017

Versatile and waterproof, Recordable Turtles can be used in sand, water and gloop. They have numerals from one to ten on top, number words underneath and a ten second record feature. Press the record button and speak, then simply squeeze the turtle to hear the message. These cute characters are great for early ICT skills and reinforcing mathematical understanding as well as encouraging speaking and listening. Use in small world play, on treasure hunts, or for number lines. Suitable for indoor and outdoor use.

You will need to download a free copy of the song here. As well as the lyrics and a picture board, the download includes instructions for using sign language. Why not give it a try?

Fill a tuff spot tray or similar with a water and bubble solution and place a laminated copy of the song inside. Immerse the turtles in the soapy water and sing the rhyme together.

The Turtle Song

I know a little turtle
His name is Tiny Tim
I put him in the bathtub
To see if he could swim
He drank up all the water
He ate up all the soap
Now he’s got bubbles
Deep down in his throat
Bwwww bwww!

boy talking into a recordable turtle

You might record parts of the song using separate turtles then ask the children to listen and put them in the correct order. You might ask children to fish the turtles out in numerical order. Children will enjoy using sign language to act out the song – a wonderful way to enhance communication skills.

With thanks to all of our lovely practitioners and delegates for your continued support and ideas!

talking turtles for speaking and listening

We would love to hear how you use our resources, so please get in touch and let us know the innovative and creative things you conjure up! Comment below and we will get in touch.

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