Firstly, let’s talk about fractions…
There is no doubting the fact that fractions are hard. The concept is so difficult; the little blighters have no fixed amount and they can refer to so many very different things – numbers, time, volumes, money – to name but a few. Why can’t they behave themselves like ordinary numbers?
The National Curriculum of 2014 didn’t help either, being more demanding in terms of fractions, and now there is Maths Mastery to contend with and the idea of a ‘deeper’ level of understanding.
Read more below to download some free Fraction Action cards.
You may have heard of, or even bought, the wonderful Fraction Action resource – a set of foam pieces covering all of the fractions you will need to cover in key stages 1 and 2. They are colourful, easily manipulated, are great to show equivalences and can truly help in understanding addition and subtraction. Click here to read our blog about Fraction Action.
We are giving away 5 free Fraction Action cards, that sit well alongside the foam pieces. Download 5 FREE Fraction Action cards here.
There are 3 sets in all, covering fractions across the primary age range.
The set is aimed at children in Key stage 1, with each card linked to the relevant curriculum objectives. There are 25 cards in all with activities and ideas to encourage deep thinking and mathematical discussion whilst using a variety of concrete and pictorial materials to promote real understanding of fractions. You do not need to have the Fraction Action pieces to use the cards. Either download, print and laminate the cards for extended use, or simply take the ideas to use in your planning!
The concept of fractions is complex and it takes time for children to develop a proper understanding, but these cards give fun, engaging ideas, such as digging for buried treasure (Card 9) and making fruit cocktails (Card 12). Many of the problems may also be solved using bar modelling.
“The name’s Bond….Number Bond!”
We all know number bonds are crucial for children’s mathematical development and that it is important to begin the learning with concrete objects. Maths mastery encourages teachers to provide a variety of models so children are aware of conceptual variation and can apply what they know in different circumstances. There are many brilliant resources to help in this, including snap cubes, number trays, number frames.
When at the pictorial stage, why not try this Rainbow Bonds idea:
Ladybird Bonds
The ladybirds won’t fly away without the correct number of spots! Make sure each ladybird has the number bond they need by adding counters or drawing them.
Download these lovely Ladybird Number Bonds sheets to use free.
Add spots to the ladybirds to make number bonds to ______ (whichever number you choose). Write each number in the boxes either side.
These boards are great when children are ready for abstract reinforcement and are getting to know related number facts.
Mathematical tools should be seen as supports for learning…it requires working with tools over extended periods of time, trying them out, and watching what happens.
Hielbert, 1997
View our Maths Mastery PDF catalogue online here. Includes a 20% discount until 31st July 2017.