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Love Your Reading Area!

Reading is a central part of any school, so it's important this is reflected in the way books are organised, displayed and used. Take inspiration from one of our local schools in Nottinghamshire, for whom reading is at the heart of everything they do.

Posted on Friday 24th April 2015

reading corner

Here’s how Bagthorpe Primary School organise their books – try these ideas out for yourself to see if they work for you!

Books are organised into four different areas:

reading corner

We display our books cover-out, rather than spine-out and we make sure they are easily accessible to the children. We organise our books by book bands, with a smaller number of books displayed by author, subject or series.

Bagthorpe Primary School.


There is a vast array of library shelving, rugs and seating now available to schools, which we have tried to make the best use of, to create pleasant reading areas, as they are used by Reading Club from 8am each morning and during the day by parent helpers, volunteers and Reading Buddies.

Bagthorpe Primary School.

Reading Carpet Reading book storage

We also have a Poetry Zone, Browsing Boxes and tables which are used by children whilst they research. Reading Buddies offer each other support and guidance during Reading Club.

Bagthorpe Primary School.

 Learn to love your reading area!