TTS Power Maths Starter Kit - Year 3 Product Code: MA10499Promotions
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Helping to Support Teaching and Learning
Whole-Class Learning
Designed for the whole class, this kit allows all children to engage with manipulatives. It encourages consistent learning experiences across the classroom, building an inclusive environment.
Aligned with Power Maths
This kit complements the Power Maths programme, seamlessly integrating with Year 3 maths lessons to enhance curriculum delivery.
CPA Approach Support
Supports concrete-Pictorial-Abstract approach with manipulatives for maths mastery and understanding.
Comprehensive Contents
The kit contains a diverse range of items including number lines, counters, and place value sets, providing versatile tools for teaching various aspects of the Year 3 maths curriculum effectively.
Curriculum Matched
Covers essential Year 3 topics like number and place value, directly supporting specific curriculum objectives and learning outcomes.