TTS Iridescent Ornate Stacking Pebbles

Product Code: EY10977
A collection of beautiful iridescent pebbles with a lustrous finish, offering diverse play possibilities.
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£74.99 ex VAT £ 89.99 inc VAT

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Product Information


    Product Includes

  • 3 size pebbles, 6cm, 10cm, 15cm 5 of each size

  • Age Range

  • Suitable from birth

  • Material

  • ABS Plastic

  • Pack Size

  • 15

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Helping to Support Teaching and Learning

Inspire Curiosity and Wonder

These pebbles inspire a sense of curiosity, awe, and wonder, encouraging children to explore and engage with their environment in new ways.

Explore Colour and Light

An interesting means of exploring colour, light, and shadow, these pebbles captivate children's attention and enhance their sensory experiences.

Encourage Unfamiliar Language

The pebbles inspire the use of unfamiliar language such as prism, effervesce, illustrious, and spectrum, enriching children's vocabulary and language skills.

Support Schematic Play

Ideal for schematic play, children can stack, roll, and line up the pebbles, which can be a calming and absorbing activity.

Versatile Play Possibilities

Perfect for loose parts play, construction play in early years, and transient art, these pebbles offer diverse and flexible play opportunities.

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TTS Iridescent Ornate Stacking Pebbles

A collection of beautiful iridescent pebbles with a lustrous finish, offering diverse play possibilities.


  • See the colours really effervesce when placed on a light panel or a shimmery metallic surface. They also take on another illustrious dimension when used with our projector. For some children, this is a magical prism to peer through and see the world.

  • For some children the pebbles may be utilised in their schematic play as they stack, roll, line up etc. Other Children may find the stacking a calming, soothing, absorbing activity as they carefully balance the pebbles. A lovely addition to our collection of pebbles, adding a new quality, texture ad finish.

  • These pebbles support schematic play, allowing children to stack, roll, and line them up, which can be both soothing and absorbing. Constructed from ABS plastic, the set includes fifteen pebbles in three sizes (six centimetres, ten centimetres, fifteen centimetres), each with a beautiful prism and myriad of snowflake effects.

  • Perfect for loose parts play, construction play in early years, and transient art, the pebbles inspire curiosity, awe, and wonder. Additionally, they encourage the use of unfamiliar language such as prism, effervesce, illustrious, and spectrum. Aligned with EYFS goals, the pebbles support communication, language development, and expressive arts and design.

Supports the National Curriculum

EYFS, Communication & Language

Develops pretend play.

EYFS, Expressive Arts & Design

Provide lots of flexible and open-ended resources for children's imaginative play.

EYFS, Expressive Arts & Design

Include objects and materials with different patterns, colours, tones, and textures to explore

Product Information


    Product Includes

  • 3 size pebbles, 6cm, 10cm, 15cm 5 of each size

  • Age Range

  • Suitable from birth

  • Material

  • ABS Plastic

  • Pack Size

  • 15

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