Step-A-Trail Forest Balance Beams 10pk

Product Code: EY05218
A set of ten forest-themed balance beams that enhance coordination, balance, and muscle development.
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£149.99 ex VAT £ 179.99 inc VAT

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Product Information


    Product Includes

  • 2 x Y logs, 8 x Straight logs

  • Age Range

  • Suitable for 3 to 5 years

  • Safety Warning

  • Not suitable for children under 36 months. Small parts.

  • Can Be Stored Outdoors

  • No

  • Pack Size

  • 10

Helping to Support Teaching and Learning

Enhances Coordination

These balance beams provide an excellent platform to support children's coordination and balance, crucial for their physical development and ability to handle more complex movements.

Promotes Physical Development

Designed to stimulate physical growth, these balance beams offer a dynamic environment for children to develop muscle strength and motion control necessary in early childhood.

Flexible Use

Designed to be integrated with other items from the same range, allowing for the creation of diverse and stimulating balance trails.

Strengthens Core Skills

Facilitates the enhancement of key skills such as balance and coordination, crucial for early years physical development.

Supports EYFS Goals

These beams align with EYFS standards to support early physical development through engaging obstacle courses.

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Step-A-Trail Forest Balance Beams 10pk

A set of ten forest-themed balance beams that enhance coordination, balance, and muscle development.


  • Introduce children to balancing challenges with these forest-themed beams, ideal for enhancing coordination and physical skills. These beams engage children in physical activities crucial for early development, allowing navigation and balance practice.

  • They can be arranged in various configurations, used alone, or combined with other products from the Step-A' range to create diverse balance trails. This adaptability meets different physical development needs and aids in decision skills about direction and speed.

  • Aligning with EYFS curriculum goals, these balance beams support the development of key motor skills and agility, promoting children's confidence in their physical abilities and foundational physical skills like strength and coordination.

Supports the National Curriculum

EYFS, Physical Development

Create obstacle courses that demand a range of movements to complete.

EYFS, Physical Development

Offers a range of opportunities for children to move and make decisions about direction and speed.

EYFS, Physical Development

Encourage children to use materials flexibly and combine them in different ways.

Product Information


    Product Includes

  • 2 x Y logs, 8 x Straight logs

  • Age Range

  • Suitable for 3 to 5 years

  • Safety Warning

  • Not suitable for children under 36 months. Small parts.

  • Can Be Stored Outdoors

  • No

  • Pack Size

  • 10

