Sequins and Spangles Assorted 500g Product Code: BJSEQ5Promotions
Product Actions
Helping to Support Teaching and Learning
Versatile Crafting Material
This product offers a diverse range of sequins and spangles, ideal for enhancing textile crafts. Its variety supports creativity in designing and making unique items.
Curriculum Support
Aligned with Key Stage 1 Art and Design aims, this resource encourages children to use materials creatively, fostering development in design skills.
Multi-Use Applications
Perfect for collage and card making, these sequins and spangles add texture and colour, making every project stand out.
Quality and Safety
Constructed from durable materials, these sequins provide a reliable resource for classroom projects, ensuring they can withstand frequent use in educational environments.
EYFS Compliant
Supports Expressive Arts and Design in EYFS by providing materials that children can explore freely, promoting sensory development.