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Russian Dolls with Manipulative Fastenings

Product Code: EY07623
These lovely nesting Russian Dolls each feature a different fastening to manipulate.
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£57.99 ex VAT £ 69.59 inc VAT

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Product Information


    Age Range

  • Suitable for 10 to 36 months

  • Material

  • Cotton

  • Pack Size

  • 6

Helping to Support Teaching and Learning

Varied Fastenings

Each doll features different fastenings, including hook and loop, buckles, zips, laces, and buttons, helping children practice fine motor skills.

Padded Cotton Construction

Made from padded cotton, the largest doll includes pouches on the outside, allowing smaller dolls to be placed inside for role-play.

Supports Physical Development

Encourages the development of both fine and gross motor skills, aligning with the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum's physical development goals.

Enhances Pretend Play

Develops communication and language skills through role-play, supporting the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) aim of fostering pretend play.

Open-Ended Exploration

Provides open-ended play materials for exploration, meeting the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) goal of understanding the world through textures and materials.

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Russian Dolls with Manipulative Fastenings

These lovely nesting Russian Dolls each feature a different fastening to manipulate.


  • Enhance children's fine motor skills with these Russian dolls. Each doll, ranging in size from 10 - 34.5cm, features a different fastening—hook and loop, buckles, zips, laces, and buttons—offering diverse opportunities for practice. Made from padded cotton, the largest doll includes pouches for smaller dolls, encouraging imaginative play and teaching nesting and sequencing concepts. Suitable for ages ten months and up.

  • Aligned with the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum, these dolls support physical development by developing fine and gross motor skills through varied fastenings. The tactile experience of different materials and textures provides open-ended play for exploration.

  • These dolls also promote communication and language skills through role play, allowing children to create narratives and dialogues. This supports the EYFS goal of developing pretend play, making them a valuable addition to any early years setting.

Supports the National Curriculum

EYFS, Understanding the World

Provide open-ended play materials such for exploration e.g. textures and materials.

EYFS, Physical Development

Encourages the development of motor skills - fine and gross.

EYFS, Communication & Language

Develops pretend play.

Product Information


    Age Range

  • Suitable for 10 to 36 months

  • Material

  • Cotton

  • Pack Size

  • 6

