Messy Play Water Accessories Collection 38pk Product Code: EY00107Promotions
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Helping to Support Teaching and Learning
Exploration and Experimentation
This collection engages children in hands-on learning about water properties, encouraging curiosity and discovery.
Enhances Sensory Play
This collection enriches sensory activities with tools like cups and funnels, engaging young minds in water exploration and enhancing tactile experiences during play.
Supports STEAM Learning
Ideal for encouraging a STEAM learning environment, this set encourages children to connect science with artistic expression and physical activity, promoting well-rounded development.
Creative Play Encouraged
This set includes flexible, open-ended resources such as beakers and eyedroppers, boosting creativity through imaginative water play and inviting children to explore and experiment independently.
Curriculum Aligned
Supports the EYFS curriculum by promoting material exploration and understanding of their properties.