Messy Play Soap Flakes Product Code: make all selections to view product codePromotions
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Helping to Support Teaching and Learning
Sensory Exploration
These soap flakes not only elevate sensory play but also provide a blank canvas for creativity, allowing additions like aromas or colour for personalised sensory experiences.
Environmentally Friendly
These environmentally friendly soap flakes are made without enzymes or bleach and are great for messy play.
Creative Development
Encourages children to explore creatively and improve language skills, enhancing vocabulary through sensory descriptions and discussions prompted by these varied materials.
Language Enrichment
Facilitates educational development by encouraging children to verbalise their sensory observations, fostering advanced communication and descriptive language skills.
Curriculum Support
Supports the EYFS curriculum by facilitating expressive arts through tactile exploration, helping children experience and understand diverse materials and textures.
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