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Historical Coins Through Time Collection KS2

Product Code: TLCOIN
Extend children’s chronological knowledge of coinage before 1066 and beyond.
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Product Information


    Product Includes

  • 4 x Greek Coins, 11 x Roman Coins, 2 x Viking Coins, 5 x Anglo-Saxon Coins, 4 x Tudor Coins, 6 x Elizabethans Coins, 6 x Post War Coins

  • Pack Size

  • 38

Helping to Support Teaching and Learning

Diverse Historical Periods

Includes coins from Greek, Roman, Viking, Anglo-Saxon, Tudor, Elizabethan, and post-war periods. This variety helps cover multiple historical topics effectively.

Hands-On Learning

Ideal for historical enquiry activities and archaeological digs. Engages children actively, making history lessons more interactive and memorable.

Supports Curriculum

Aligns with Key Stage 2 history curriculum. Helps extend children's chronological knowledge beyond 1066 and supports local history studies.

Engaging Resource

Perfect for opening lessons and getting children involved. Encourages active participation and curiosity about historical periods.

British History Focus

Supports the study of British history themes. Provides a tangible way to explore historical events and their impact on society.

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Historical Coins Through Time Collection KS2

Extend children’s chronological knowledge of coinage before 1066 and beyond.


  • Teachers can use this collection to enhance learning with tangible examples of historical coins from various periods, including Greek, Roman, Viking, Anglo-Saxon, Tudor, Elizabethan, and post-war coins. It is ideal for hands-on activities like historical enquiries or archaeological digs, engaging children and bringing history to life.

  • Aligned with the Key Stage 2 curriculum, this collection supports British history studies, extending children’s chronological knowledge beyond 1066. It offers a practical way to explore local history, trace national events, and understand their significance. By examining these coins, children gain insights into the economic and cultural aspects of different periods.

  • This collection helps teachers create immersive lessons where children handle and investigate coins, fostering a deeper understanding of historical contexts and developments, making history interactive and engaging.

  • Contents may vary.

Supports the National Curriculum

History, Key Stage 2, British History

A study of an aspect or theme in British history that extends pupils’ chronological knowledge beyond 1066.

History, Key Stage 2, Local History

A local history study including time tracing of national history in local area or an aspect of history beyond 1066 significant to the locality.

Product Information


    Product Includes

  • 4 x Greek Coins, 11 x Roman Coins, 2 x Viking Coins, 5 x Anglo-Saxon Coins, 4 x Tudor Coins, 6 x Elizabethans Coins, 6 x Post War Coins

  • Pack Size

  • 38

