Making Christmas Characters:
What you will need:
- Coloured Felt Squares
- Decofoam Cone People
- Decopatch Paper
- Pipe Cleaners
- Gel Pens
- Glitter
- Acrylic Paint
- PVA Glue
- Crepe Paper
To make the Christmas King character:
- Paint the head of your Christmas character with acrylic paint of your choice.
- Apply Decopatch paper to make the ‘robes’ and add detail with gel pens and glitter.
- To make arms for your character, cut a rectangle of felt and place a length of pipe cleaner in the centre, fold over and glue in place.
- Add detail of a beard and hair using a cut out of a felt square or crepe paper.
- Make a crown from metallic Pipe Cleaners.
To make the Christmas Angel Character:
- Paint the face and head with acrylic paint of your choice.
- Cover the body with either Decopatch paper or Gold gel pen adding detail with gems.
- To make the Angel’s wings, cut shapes from felt, add detail with glitter gel and leave to dry. Once dry you can then attach the wings to the Decofoam character
using PVA Glue. - Finally, make a glittering halo from a length of Metallic pipe cleaner, wrap it around your finger to make a loop and glue in place on the body of your angel.
Why not try making a Santa, frosty snowman, Mary and Joseph or a jumping Jack Frost using the same resources.