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Top Tips to Improving Spoken Language Skills

ICT plays an integral part in all our lives. Today's children are growing up surrounded by and becoming familiar with digital technology. Through play opportunities children can experience a range of resources that support their ICT knowledge and understanding as well as enhancing other key skills. A programmable toy has control technology but it may also support literacy and numeracy skills.

Posted on Tuesday 12th May 2015

Easi-Ears® - Digital Audio System

There is an ever-growing focus on improving spoken language skills in primary schools and nurseries

Hints and tips for using Easi-Ears

  • Follow the leader – Record a series of physical actions onto the Easi-Ears – stretch up tall and count to 5, now skip on the spot and count to 10 etc. Ask a child to listen to the instructions and get the other children to follow their actions – can they guess what the instructions are? Use the red Easi-Ears as the warm up and blue Easi-Ears in PE lessons.
  • Revision Time – Some children find it easier to remember things by hearing them rather than reading them. Why not record the song that the class will be performing in assembly, or a times table, or ten top facts about the Tudors for children to listen and learn?
  • Build it! – To support independent learning, why not record a set of instructions to support an activity in class, for example building a simple LEGO model? The Easi-Ears can all contain the same instructions or can be distinguished by difficulty or task using individual colours to indicate which is designated for each group/child.
  • Easi Reading – Reading a book in class by yourself, or for homework, can be difficult at first. Stories can be recorded onto the Easi-Ears so that independent reading can be supported. Remember to include clear, ‘turn the page’, instructions and allow time for looking at the pictures when recording.
  • I hear, I draw – Why not use the Easi-Ears for a listening comprehension? Record a description of a person, place or event, ask the children to listen carefully and then draw what they hear.

Easi-Ears® - Digital Audio System

Written by Carol Allen and Claire Graham to provide insights and practical suggestions for practitioners to help you make the most of learning opportunities in your setting.

About our writers

Carol Allen is the School Improvement Advisor for ICT and SEN in North Tyneside LA.  She has taught since 1980 in both mainstream schools – primary and high, and schools for students with severe, profound and multiple learning difficulties.  Recognising, as an English specialist, that communication lies at the heart of all effective teaching, the majority of her work has centred on creative and engaging use of technology to support communication in its widest sense.

Claire Graham is an experienced School Improvement Advisor with a Primary teaching background and is currently based at North Tyneside City Learning Centre. Here she teaches across all phases, delivers staff CPD and delivers to the North Tyneside 3-7 SCITT. Her educational passions include animation to support thinking in all areas of the curriculum and she subscribes to the “poundstore pedagogy”.