12x12 Multiplication Squares
https://www.tts-group.co.uk/12x12-multiplication-squares/1009244.html Product Code: make all selections to view product codePromotions
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Helping to Support Teaching and Learning
Durable Construction
Constructed from durable laminated card, these 12x12 Multiplication Squares have a design for longevity, ensuring they can withstand repeated use in the demanding classroom environment.
Versatile Teaching Aid
Featuring multiplication tables on one side and blank on the other, these squares allow flexibility in teaching methods, from direct instruction to self-assessment.
Curriculum Support
Supports Key Stage 1 and 2 curriculums, enhancing numeracy skills by helping recall multiplication and division facts up to 12x12.
Two Sizes Available
Offers two sizes: a child's version (15 x 17cm) for individual use and a teacher's version (50 x 55cm) for group instruction, catering to different teaching needs.
Problem Solving Aid
Helps solve problems involving multiplication and division using various methods, supporting Key Stage 1; Number - multiplication and division curriculum.
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