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Widgit in Print3 Symbol Software

Product Code: SD09151
With its range of symbols, Widgit software makes learning more accessible and inclusive.
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£254.99 ex VAT £ 305.99 inc VAT

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Product Information


    Product Includes

  • Basic = 5 machine licence with 1 year subscription

  • Age Range

  • Suitable for age 3 years and up

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Helping to Support Teaching and Learning

Enhances Independence

Facilitates enhanced independent learning by allowing children to engage with educational content through easy-to-understand symbols, thereby fostering self-reliance in learning.

Visual Learning Tools

This software is ideal for visual timetables and educational flashcards, supporting structured learning and vocabulary acquisition for children with autism.

Boosts Motivation and Behaviour

The software encourages positive behavioural changes and increases motivation through accessible and engaging visual aids.

Customisable Content

This software allows the inclusion of personal photos in educational materials, making learning experiences uniquely relatable and significantly more engaging for children.

User-Friendly Interface

Designed for ease and simplicity, this software enables teachers to quickly tailor and produce educational aids, thus maximising efficiency and reducing prep time.

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Widgit in Print3 Software

With its range of symbols, Widgit software makes learning more accessible and inclusive.


  • Just about any piece of information, document or teaching resource can be made more accessible and inclusive when symbols are added – and with Widget software, it's easy to replace the symbols with your own photographs and pictures for customised lessons. Choose from over 4,000 Widgit Media graphics. This is a 1 year subscription.

  • Visual timetables aid in reducing anxiety and establishing routines, while personalised flashcards support vocabulary expansion and interactive activities. This flexibility is ideal for adapting to learning needs and preferences.

  • In addition, the software's capacity to integrate personal photographs with standard symbols makes it valuable in personalising learning experiences and engaging children effectively in their educational journeys.

Product Information


    Product Includes

  • Basic = 5 machine licence with 1 year subscription

  • Age Range

  • Suitable for age 3 years and up

Direct Delivery Direct Delivery

