TTS White Rose Maths Reasoning and Problem Solving Kit

Product Code: MA10155
Enhance reasoning and problem-solving skills with collaborative resources from White Rose Maths.
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Product Information


    Product Includes

  • 1 x Dip n Pick Problem Solving Cards Group Set, 1 x Graded Problem Solving Cards Group Set, 1 x Bar Model Teacher Version, 1 x Tray Lid, 1 x Gratnell Storage Tray

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Helping to Support Teaching and Learning

Collaborative Design

White Rose Maths partnered in the development of this kit, enhancing the teaching of reasoning and problem solving across multiple key stages.

Versatile Teaching Tool

This kit is designed to enhance reasoning and problem-solving skills across Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2, making it a practical addition to enhance mathematical learning.

Comprehensive Resource Set

Ensures comprehensive support for children's mathematical development through a variety of resources including Dip n Pick and Graded Problem Solving Cards.

Practical Storage Solution

The kit includes a Gratnell Storage Tray with a lid, ensuring that all resources stay organised and secure, aiding quick setup and safe storage.

Key Stage 1 and 2 Focus

Specifically supports 'Number - addition and subtraction' in Key Stages 1 and 2, helping children solve multi-step problems effectively.

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TTS White Rose Maths Reasoning and Problem Solving Kit

Enhance reasoning and problem-solving skills with collaborative resources from White Rose Maths.


  • This kit enriches the mathematical experience for children across Key Stages 1 and 2, by offering targeted support in critical areas such as number processing, geometrical reasoning, and algebraic operations.

  • Each resource within the kit, including Problem Solving Cards and Bar Model Teacher Version, is meticulously selected to promote an in-depth understanding and application of mathematical concepts. These resources assist children in working through complex, multi-step problems using strategic, thought-provoking approaches.

  • Integrating these resources into daily maths lessons can significantly enhance children's analytical and reasoning capabilities, thereby supporting structured learning and assessment alignment with educational standards across various key stages.

  • Contents may vary.

Supports the National Curriculum

Mathematics, Key Stage 2, Number - Addition & Subtraction

Solve addition and subtraction multi-step problems in contexts, deciding which operations and methods to use and why.

Mathematics, Lower Key Stage 2, Number - Number & Place Value

Identify, represent and estimate numbers using different representations.

Mathematics, Year 3, Number - Addition & Subtraction

Solve problems, including missing number problems, using number facts, place value, and more complex addition and subtraction.

Product Information


    Product Includes

  • 1 x Dip n Pick Problem Solving Cards Group Set, 1 x Graded Problem Solving Cards Group Set, 1 x Bar Model Teacher Version, 1 x Tray Lid, 1 x Gratnell Storage Tray

TTS Developed TTS Developed
Direct Delivery Direct Delivery

