TTS Multiplication Counters Classpacks 12pk x9

Product Code: MA10468
A manipulative resource that develops a better understanding of the times table concept.
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Product Information


    Product Includes

  • 1080 x Counters (12 packs, 90 per pack)

  • Age Range

  • Suitable for 5 to 11 years

TTS Developed TTS Developed

Helping to Support Teaching and Learning

Hands-On Learning

This resource enhances understanding of times tables through physical interaction, featuring 1080 counters across twelve packs, each focusing on different multiplication facts.

Multiplication Stairway

The unique 'multiplication stairway' model makes abstract multiplication concepts more concrete for children by visually and physically building them up through repeated addition.

Classroom Collaboration

This set, designed for group activities, supports three children per pack and promotes teamwork and collaborative learning in tackling multiplication challenges.

Supportive Resource

Especially beneficial for older children who need additional support, these counters offer a practical tool to effectively reinforce times table knowledge.

Curriculum Aligned

Aligned with Year 1 Mathematics curriculum, students use these counters to solve one-step multiplication and division problems with concrete objects and visual aids.

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TTS Multiplication Counters Classpacks 12pk x9

A manipulative resource that develops a better understanding of the times table concept.


  • Enhance mathematical learning with a hands-on approach that solidifies the understanding of multiplication through physical engagement. These counters allow children to manipulate and visualise multiplication as repeated addition, fostering deeper comprehension.

  • This product supports various aspects of the Mathematics curriculum from Year 1 to Year 5. It helps children solve multiplication and division problems using arrays, mental methods, and other strategies, making it invaluable for diverse learning needs.

  • Each pack includes spare counters to ensure longevity and continuous use in classroom settings. This resource not only supports UK curriculum requirements but also encourages interactive learning and problem-solving skills.

Supports the National Curriculum

Mathematics, Year 1, Number - Multiplication & Division

Solve one-step problems involving multiplication and division, by calculating the answer using concrete objects, pictorial representations and arrays with the support of the teacher.

Mathematics, Year 5, Number - Multiplication & Division

Multiply and divide numbers mentally, drawing upon known facts.

Mathematics, Year 5, Number - Multiplication & Division

Solve problems involving multiplication and division, including using their knowledge of factors and multiples, squares and cubes.

Product Information


    Product Includes

  • 1080 x Counters (12 packs, 90 per pack)

  • Age Range

  • Suitable for 5 to 11 years

TTS Developed TTS Developed

