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Traditional Hessian Backed Lino Blocks 10pk

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Specially designed for easy carving, these lino blocks accommodate various printmaking techniques.
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Helping to Support Teaching and Learning

Versatile Crafting Uses

These versatile blocks offer multiple uses; they can be tailored for intricate prints, transformed into custom stamps, or used in other creative craft applications, enriching the artistic experience.

Compatible with All Inks

Suitable for use with both oil and water-based inks, these lino blocks are compatible with various printing techniques.

Natural Composition

Constructed from natural materials like linseed oil and wood flour, these lino blocks are eco-friendly and ideal for detailed work.

Easy Carving Surface

The soft texture of the lino allows for easy carving, ideal for children to explore their artistic capabilities.

Durable Hessian Backing

Each block features a robust hessian backing that prevents the lino from cracking and crumbling during the carving process.

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Traditional Hessian Backed Lino Blocks 10pk

Specially designed for easy carving, these lino blocks accommodate various printmaking techniques.


  • These Lino blocks are excellent educational resources, aligning with curriculum goals across Key Stage 2 to Key Stage 3. They enable children to enhance their art and design skills by facilitating hands-on experiences with various materials, including pencil, printing inks, textiles and Lino cutting tools.

  • The lino blocks support the development of material handling proficiencies and encourage creative solutions in design and crafting. Using these blocks in classroom activities aids in nurturing a deeper understanding of artistic processes and material manipulation.

  • Specifically designed to meet educational needs, these blocks can also help raise the profile of art and design within schools by providing a broader experience of tactile learning and encouraging engagement with physical art forms.

Supports the National Curriculum

Art & Design, Key Stage 2

To improve their mastery of art and design techniques, including drawing, painting and sculpture with a range of materials (for example, pencil, charcoal, paint, clay).

Art & Design, Key Stage 1

To use a range of materials creatively to design and make products.

Art & Design, Key Stage 3

To increase their proficiency in the handling of different materials.

