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Ten Frame Magnetic Answer Boards - 4pk

Product Code: MA10253
Demonstrate understanding and represent simple calculations with ease.
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£48.99 ex VAT £ 58.79 inc VAT

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Product Information


    Product Includes

  • 4 x Boards, 80 x Foam Counters

  • Age Range

  • Suitable for 5 to 7 years

  • Pack Size

  • 4

Helping to Support Teaching and Learning

Magnetic Counters

The magnetic counters stay securely in place on the boards, ensuring clarity during demonstrations and reducing the risk of loss or displacement during activities.

Write & Wipe Surface

Each board features a write & wipe surface, allowing for repeated use and easy correction, making it an eco-friendly choice for classrooms.

Curriculum Aligned

Specifically supports the mathematics curriculum, focusing on number and number bonds to enhance foundational numeracy skills.

Versatile Learning Tool

Ideal for both individual and group learning, these boards facilitate active participation and cater to various learning styles.

Hands-on Number Practice

Designed for hands-on learning, these boards help children understand and apply key concepts in number and place value through interactive resources.

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Ten Frame Magnetic Answer Boards - 4pk

Demonstrate understanding and represent simple calculations with ease.


  • Designed to develop number understanding and arithmetic skills within 10 or 20, enhancing mathematics learning.

  • The Ten Frame Magnetic Answer Boards are an effective tool for enhancing children's numeracy skills, essential for teachers focusing on numeracy education. Featuring three ten-frames and space for calculations, alongside magnetic counters that stay in place for tidy presentations, these boards seamlessly integrate into mathematics lessons.

  • They are excellent for demonstrating counting in steps, understanding one more or one less, subitising, and fostering a strong foundational understanding of number bonds through interactive learning.

  • This set includes four durable boards and eighty foam counters. It's designed to engage children in a hands-on learning experience, promoting active involvement and accommodating different learning styles, crucial for developing early mathematical skills.

Supports the National Curriculum

Mathematics, Year 1, Number - Number & Place Value

Identify and represent numbers using objects and pictorial representations including the number line, and use the language of: equal to, more than, less than (fewer), most, least.

Mathematics, Year 2, Number - Addition & Subtraction

Add and subtract numbers using concrete objects, pictorial representations, and mentally.

Mathematics, Year 3, Number - Addition & Subtraction

Solve problems, including missing number problems, using number facts, place value, and more complex addition and subtraction.

Product Information


    Product Includes

  • 4 x Boards, 80 x Foam Counters

  • Age Range

  • Suitable for 5 to 7 years

  • Pack Size

  • 4

