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Sound Bell Inclusive Boccia Game

Product Code: SP45485
Sound Boccia allows people with visual impairments to also enjoy Boccia, making it more inclusive.
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£114.99 ex VAT £ 137.99 inc VAT

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Product Information


    Product Includes

  • 6 x Red Balls, 6 x Blue Balls, One x White Jack, Carry bag

Helping to Support Teaching and Learning

Inclusive Play

Play involves everyone, making it suitable for inclusive physical education. The design ensures that all children can engage in the game, regardless of visual impairment.

Motor Skills

Boccia helps to develop motor skills. The game encourages fine motor skill and gross motor skills through strategic play and movement.

Unique Experience

Allows children to experience a game different from traditional sports. This variation introduces new challenges and excitement.

Portable Design

Portability and user-friendly design convenient for various settings. Easily transportable with the included carry bag.

Engaging for Everyone

The inclusive nature of the game ensures that children with visual impairments can fully participate, promoting inclusive physical education.

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Sound Boccia Set

Sound Boccia allows people with visual impairments to also enjoy Boccia, making it more inclusive.


  • Inclusive sports equipment ensures that all children, regardless of physical abilities, can engage in regular physical activity and sports. The thoughtful design of the Sound Bell Boccia Game offers an engaging gaming experience while emphasising inclusivity.

  • This game includes six red balls, six blue balls, one white jack, and a carry bag, making it portable and convenient for various settings such as PE lessons, breakfast clubs, and after-school activities. The bells inside each ball help visually impaired players by providing auditory cues for shot placement. The game can also be played with a blindfold set for children without visual impairments, involving everyone.

  • Integrating this game into your curriculum offers a broader and more equal experience of various sports to all pupils. It supports the use of PE & Sport premium funding to widen the traditional offering and provides play opportunities during wrap-around care.

Supports the National Curriculum

Physical Education, Key Stage 2

Develop flexibility, strength, technique, control and balance (for example, through athletics and gymnastics).

Physical Education, Key Stage 3

Take part in competitive sports and activities outside school through community links or sports clubs.

Product Information


    Product Includes

  • 6 x Red Balls, 6 x Blue Balls, One x White Jack, Carry bag

