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Rekenrek Practice Charts - Number Sense

Product Code: MT48247
Engage children and enhance number sense using this class-set of interactive Rekenrek Practice Charts.
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Helping to Support Teaching and Learning

Multi-Step Problem Solving

These activity cards focus on teaching children to choose operations and methods when solving problems, enhancing understanding of problem-solving strategies.

Number Representation

Charts help in identifying and representing numbers, which is crucial for understanding number and place value across Key Stages 1 and 2.

Fluency in Arithmetic

Children can fluently recall addition and subtraction facts up to twenty. Charts help derive related facts up to one hundred, enhancing arithmetic skills.

Engaging Activities

These charts provide engaging activities that actively enhance understanding of mathematical principles, catering to diverse learning needs in primary education.

Addition & Subtraction Focus

Supports Key Stages 1 and 2 mathematics by focusing on addition and subtraction, helping children decide which operations and methods to use.

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Rekenrek Practice Charts - Number Sense

Engage children and enhance number sense using this class-set of interactive Rekenrek Practice Charts.


  • A class-set of 30 laminated cards. Perfect for any year group! Choosing a number of the day, ask children to write as many things as they can about the number. This can be using digits, symbols or words. Encourages flexible partitioning and number sense.

  • Rekenrek Practice Charts support foundational mathematics, enhancing number recognition and understanding for early learners. The visual and tactile nature enhances teaching, learning and engagement. To be used with whiteboard markers.

Supports the National Curriculum

Mathematics, Key Stage 2, Number - Addition & Subtraction

Solve addition and subtraction multi-step problems in contexts, deciding which operations and methods to use and why.

Mathematics, Lower Key Stage 2, Number - Number & Place Value

Identify, represent and estimate numbers using different representations.

Mathematics, Year 2, Number - Addition & Subtraction

Recall and use addition and subtraction facts to 20 fluently, and derive and use related facts up to 100.

