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Brilliant & Inspirational Women Around the World Books 10pk

Product Code: GH46186
A selection of books about historical and contemporary women who have shaped the world.
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    Pack Size

  • 10

Helping to Support Teaching and Learning

Diverse Role Models

Provides children with a wealth of real-life role models to inspire them, featuring trailblazing women from diverse fields such as sports, science, and politics.

Supports Reading Skills

Engaging stories help encourage a love for reading among children by developing positive attitudes towards reading and enhancing comprehension skills.

Historical Knowledge

Offers insights into history through the lives of significant women. Extends pupils' chronological knowledge beyond 1066. Aligned with Key Stage 2 History.

Engaging Narratives

Helps children connect with the material on a personal level through engaging stories that make learning about historical and contemporary women enjoyable.

Significant Individuals

Covers the lives of significant individuals who have contributed to national and international achievements. Aligned with Key Stage 1 History.

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Brilliant Women Book Pack 10pk

A selection of books about historical and contemporary women who have shaped the world.


  • This collection of ten books introduces young readers to significant women from history and contemporary times. It highlights their achievements in fields such as sports, science, and politics, offering a diverse range of role models. Titles may vary depending on availability.

  • Aligned with Key Stage 1 History, the books cover lives of significant individuals who have contributed to national and international achievements. They compare different periods, enhancing comprehension skills and chronological knowledge beyond 1066.

  • Integrated into Key Stage 2 History and English, this set fosters a love for reading while teaching about influential historical and contemporary women, making it a valuable resource.

Supports the National Curriculum

History, Key Stage 1, Significant Individuals

The lives of significant individuals in the past who have contributed to national and international achievements and compare aspects of life in different periods.

English, Lower Key Stage 2, Reading - Comprehension

Develop positive attitudes to reading, and an understanding of what they read.

History, Key Stage 2, British History

A study of an aspect or theme in British history that extends pupils’ chronological knowledge beyond 1066.

Product Information


    Pack Size

  • 10

