Books Beyond Words Packs

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These word-free stories support young people to understand a range of different, potentially challenging situations.
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Helping to Support Teaching and Learning

Research-Backed Approach

To support SEND needs effectively, the books are grounded in evidence-based research conducted with the Open Book Study and ImpactEd.

Enhances Emotional Insight

To help individuals understand and manage their feelings effectively, these resources build emotional repertoire, insight, and empathy.

Empowers Young Voices

These books foster independence by addressing the need to empower children to take control of their feelings and behaviours, ultimately giving them a voice.

Facilitates Life Discussions

Promoting open communication and understanding, the books provide an avenue for children to discuss life experiences.

Flexible Communication Tool

These books support the SEMH curriculum by offering flexibility in communication and emotional support, and are designed as an accessible tool.

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Books Beyond Words Packs

These word-free stories support young people to understand a range of different, potentially challenging situations.


  • Books Beyond Words support young people to communicate their own experiences, in their own words. They have broad purposes, from helping start conversations about difficult topics like grief, mental health and trauma, to assisting children with and without complex disabilities to understand and engage with everyday activities like visiting the doctor. As pictures are a shared language, the word-free stories in Books Beyond Words can be used by a large range of audiences, including children, young people, adults with learning disabilities, and people who speak other languages.

  • These books can be used in different ways, such as in peer groups, in the classroom to support within the PSHE curriculum or in a one-to one context with a trained counsellor or therapist. These books are designed to be tailored to the individual(s) as a resource to scaffold discussion of life experiences.

  • Basic principles on how to read and share the books are included in every book. Everyone can tell the story they see in their own way – with words, signs, facial expressions or whatever works for them. Whether you are sharing the book with one person or with a group, encourage them to tell the story in their own way. You will discover what each person thinks is happening, what they already know and how they feel. Their interpretation will tell you about their personal life experience. You don’t have to read the whole story in one sitting and young people may want to spend longer on some images, so work through at their own pace. It is important to follow their lead. If young people have stronger emotions to particular images, use professional judgement and if appropriate explore through carefully supported discussion.

