Early Years Outdoor Resources

Taking learning outside the early years classroom supports the development of healthy and active lifestyles. Create outdoor areas with stimulating resources that are perfect for outdoor environments.

Encouraging children in the Early Years to explore the great outdoors has never been easier with our extensive and innovative range of outdoor equipment perfect for EYFS outdoor play. How about updating your preschool outdoor areas with a new sand and water tray from TTS? Childrens sand pits are a great way to incorporate fine motor activities whilst encouraging key skills such as communication and language. Adding a mud kitchen to your nursery outdoor play area offers endless hours of fun learning opportunities through investigation and exploration, children in the Early Years love to splash, squish, mash and mix various messy play ingredients. If you are looking for Early Years Bikes and Trikes we've got just the right resources for you, from Rabo to Winther - we've got everything you need to get toddlers exploring the world on wheels.