Loose Parts Wooden Shapes Large 72 Piece Set - Earth
https://www.tts-group.co.uk/loose-parts-wooden-shapes-large-72-piece-set---earth-/1018434.html Product Code: EY11346Promotions
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Helping to Support Teaching and Learning
Supports Imaginative Play
This set provides flexible and open-ended resources that help children explore imaginative play, aligning with the EYFS curriculum's Expressive Arts & Design goals.
Enhances Communication Skills
Develops pretend play, enhancing communication and language skills, which is important for early years development.
Promotes Mathematical Understanding
A child can compare numerals and build with a variety of resources to develop their mathematical understanding as per the EYFS curriculum.
Refines Motor Skills
Offers activities that help children develop and refine small motor skills, such as pouring, stirring, threading, and constructing, important for physical development.
Versatile and Organised
Includes a wooden tray to easily organise, making it a versatile resource for sorting, sequencing, pattern creation, and mosaic design.
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